FSU: Ministering to a Buddhist Who Asked Several Questions, Student Who Is In the Hare Krishna Movement Admits To Still Being Enslaved To Sin, I Exalt Jesus Being The Only Way!
FSU: Esoteric Student Questions Validity of the Bible, Crowd of about 20-25 Students Form, Women Defend Abortion, Catholic Partial Preterist Claims Church Has Authority to Change the Sabbath, Ministering to a Buddhist
FSU: Hypocrite Tears Up, I Rebuke Her And This Draws Crowd of 40 People (About the 1 hour and 50 minute mark), Dealing w/ Lesbians, Perverted Women, Homosexuals, Atheists, Agnostics, Proving the Bible True, Exalting Jesus Christ!
Florida State University: Preaching To The Masses And Eventually A Small Crowd Gathers As I Deal With A Gnostic Heckler -- At First The Crowd Is Generally Mocking And Then Sobers As The Holy Spirit Works