Entrepreneurship | The IDEA of Entrepreneurship Vs. the Reality of Being An Entrepreneur + How to Overcome Perpetual Adversity That Entrepreneurship Throws At You + "Face Reality As It Is, Not As You Wish It to Be." - Jack Welch
Entrepreneur Podcasts | How Public Relations Works + Teaching How Michael Levine's Tiffany Theory Works (An Interview w/ Legendary PR Guru) | Why Advertising Is What You Pay For & PR Is What Your Pray For + PRO-Tips for Being Poor
Entrepreneur | The Power of F.O.C.U.S. w/ Peter Taunton + Learn 3 Steps to Gaining Traction from the Founder of Snap Fitness, 9 Round Boxing, Fitness On Demand & NauticalBowls Franchise Co-Founder + KPIs, No to Grow + Being Present Is a Present
Business Coach | Need More Customers? "In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” - Seth Godin (Best-Selling Author Purple Cow) + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark's June 5-6 Business Workshop