Lab-Grown Babies? | "Scientists Make Fertility Breakthrough, Growing A Baby Lamb In An Artificial Womb. The Team of Physicians Is In talks with the FDA. Clinical Trials Slated to Begin In Next 3 to.5 Years." - World Economic Forum (May 3rd 2017)
Stephen Colbert | On 1st 2012, Why Did Stephen Colbert Do a Comedy Skit On Late Night TV Where He Pretended to Sacrifice a New Born Baby to a Demon Entity? Alex Jones: What Is Bohemian Grove & Why Do Presidents Go There?
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Most Important Quality to Survive And Flourish In the 21st Century Is to Have Mental Flexibility, to Keep Letting Go. Letting Go, Not Just Want You Learned In Kindergarten, Even What You Learned As a Baby."