Devin Nunes | Devin Nunes & Pastor Greg Locke | Can America Handle the TRUTH? How to Get Over the CANCEL CULTURE | “Woe Unto you, When All Men Speak Well of You! For So Did Their Fathers to the False Prophets.” - Luke 6:26
Tucker Carlson | "I'm Coming to You from the Most Humble & Lowly Theological Position You Can, & Even I Have Concluded It Might Be Worth Taking Just 10 Minutes Out of Your Busy Schedule to Say Prayer for the Future, And I Hope You Will.&
The Great Reset | (Explained In 2 Minutes) Dr. Evil (Klaus Schwab) & His Hairless Cat (Yuval Noah Harari) Share Their COVID-19 / Climate Emergency / Great Reset Plan
The Great Reset | Explained In 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds By Deborah Birx, Kary Mullis, Rochelle Walensky, Yuval Noah Harari, Steve Forbes, Catherine Austin Fitts, Professor Richard Werner, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, and Klaus Schwab