1. July 1, 2011 🎺 There is but one Way... All Knowledge apart from Him is a Lie

    July 1, 2011 🎺 There is but one Way... All Knowledge apart from Him is a Lie

  2. 25.12.2009 🎺 Der Herr sagt... Ich bin gekommen, um die Nationen und Menschen zu richten

    25.12.2009 🎺 Der Herr sagt... Ich bin gekommen, um die Nationen und Menschen zu richten

  3. Aug 19, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... My Word shall go out and the Harvest shall come in

    Aug 19, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... My Word shall go out and the Harvest shall come in

  4. Nov 30, 2010 🎺 Jesus says... Remember Me and let Me kiss you upon your Forehead

    Nov 30, 2010 🎺 Jesus says... Remember Me and let Me kiss you upon your Forehead

  5. God and the Trinity: Is He three in one (Trinity), or just only two? WLC thinks He's only two

    God and the Trinity: Is He three in one (Trinity), or just only two? WLC thinks He's only two

  6. Dec 25, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... I am come to judge the Nations and Peoples

    Dec 25, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... I am come to judge the Nations and Peoples

  7. "YAHWEH" from 1983 Brother Carman's Masterpiece for YAH! Messianic Jewish EPIC (mirrored)

    "YAHWEH" from 1983 Brother Carman's Masterpiece for YAH! Messianic Jewish EPIC (mirrored)

  8. 01.07.2011 🎺 Es gibt nur einen Weg... Alles Wissen abseits von Ihm ist eine Lüge

    01.07.2011 🎺 Es gibt nur einen Weg... Alles Wissen abseits von Ihm ist eine Lüge

  9. April 26, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... True Wisdom comes from above, not from Religion, Philosophy or Science

    April 26, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... True Wisdom comes from above, not from Religion, Philosophy or Science

  10. Judges 19; RSTNE Scripture Reading (Day 52) Bible on Audio; Shophetim

    Judges 19; RSTNE Scripture Reading (Day 52) Bible on Audio; Shophetim

  11. Inviting Yahuah Into Our Situations, Removing the Poison of Legalism, Truth Guidance and Clarity

    Inviting Yahuah Into Our Situations, Removing the Poison of Legalism, Truth Guidance and Clarity

  12. HalleluYah Song -- Spiritual Version by Set Apart Channel - for Yahushua Words Only Worship Service

    HalleluYah Song -- Spiritual Version by Set Apart Channel - for Yahushua Words Only Worship Service

  13. 04.02.2011 🎺 Ich bin gekommen !... Keines hat das Ausmass dieser Worte begriffen

    04.02.2011 🎺 Ich bin gekommen !... Keines hat das Ausmass dieser Worte begriffen

  14. Feb 4, 2011 🎺 I am come !... No One has grasped the Scope of these Words

    Feb 4, 2011 🎺 I am come !... No One has grasped the Scope of these Words

  15. POWERFUL TESTIMONY That Amightywind is a Holy Ministry of GOD YAHUVEH (YAHWEH)

    POWERFUL TESTIMONY That Amightywind is a Holy Ministry of GOD YAHUVEH (YAHWEH)

  16. 05.01.2010 🎺 Der Herr sagt... Du wirst Mich nicht sehen, bis du sagst, gesegnet ist er, der kommt im Namen des Herrn

    05.01.2010 🎺 Der Herr sagt... Du wirst Mich nicht sehen, bis du sagst, gesegnet ist er, der kommt im Namen des Herrn

  17. Jan 5, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... You will not see Me until you say, blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord

    Jan 5, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... You will not see Me until you say, blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord

  18. Yahuah's elect/targeted individuals prayer for angelic assistance, spiritual increase, intercession

    Yahuah's elect/targeted individuals prayer for angelic assistance, spiritual increase, intercession

  19. June 25, 2011 🎺 The Days of the martyred Prophets are at an End, true and false Prophets made plain

    June 25, 2011 🎺 The Days of the martyred Prophets are at an End, true and false Prophets made plain

  20. Judges 12; RSTNE Scripture Reading (Day 51) Bible on Audio; Shophetim

    Judges 12; RSTNE Scripture Reading (Day 51) Bible on Audio; Shophetim
