1 year agoJuly 1, 2011 🎺 There is but one Way... All Knowledge apart from Him is a LieTrumpet Call of God
2 years ago25.12.2009 🎺 Der Herr sagt... Ich bin gekommen, um die Nationen und Menschen zu richtenDie Trompete Gottes
2 years agoAug 19, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... My Word shall go out and the Harvest shall come inTrumpet Call of God
1 year agoNov 30, 2010 🎺 Jesus says... Remember Me and let Me kiss you upon your ForeheadTrumpet Call of God
1 year agoA verdadeira sabedoria vem do alto!… E o temor do Senhor é o princípio 🎺 Chamada da Trombeta de DeusLetras de Amor de Jesus & Chamada da Trombeta de Deus
3 years agoGod and the Trinity: Is He three in one (Trinity), or just only two? WLC thinks He's only twopolymathictalk
2 years agoDec 25, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... I am come to judge the Nations and PeoplesTrumpet Call of God
1 year agoTrue Wisdom comes from above!... And Fear of God is the Beginning 🎺 Trumpet Call of GodJesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
2 years ago"YAHWEH" from 1983 Brother Carman's Masterpiece for YAH! Messianic Jewish EPIC (mirrored)YAHUSHUASCOMING8
1 year ago01.07.2011 🎺 Es gibt nur einen Weg... Alles Wissen abseits von Ihm ist eine LügeDie Trompete Gottes
1 year agoApril 26, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... True Wisdom comes from above, not from Religion, Philosophy or ScienceTrumpet Call of God
1 year agoInviting Yahuah Into Our Situations, Removing the Poison of Legalism, Truth Guidance and ClarityEndure Until The End
1 year agoHalleluYah Song -- Spiritual Version by Set Apart Channel - for Yahushua Words Only Worship Servicewhite0moon
1 year ago04.02.2011 🎺 Ich bin gekommen !... Keines hat das Ausmass dieser Worte begriffenDie Trompete Gottes
1 year agoFeb 4, 2011 🎺 I am come !... No One has grasped the Scope of these WordsTrumpet Call of God
3 years agoPOWERFUL TESTIMONY That Amightywind is a Holy Ministry of GOD YAHUVEH (YAHWEH)YAHsVindicator
1 year ago05.01.2010 🎺 Der Herr sagt... Du wirst Mich nicht sehen, bis du sagst, gesegnet ist er, der kommt im Namen des HerrnDie Trompete Gottes
1 year agoJan 5, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... You will not see Me until you say, blessed is he who comes in the Name of the LordTrumpet Call of God
1 year agoYahuah's elect/targeted individuals prayer for angelic assistance, spiritual increase, intercessionEndure Until The End
1 year agoJune 25, 2011 🎺 The Days of the martyred Prophets are at an End, true and false Prophets made plainTrumpet Call of God