BREAKING: President Trump Working to END War in Ukraine and European Union is PISSED! + MSNBC Calls for Revolt, and Red Wave May Come for Canada SOON! | Redacted News
The United Nations Hoping to Invade The United States During a Civil War — Gather Your Community(s), Get/Buy Your Guns and Have Them Ready Just in Case!
"Americans: Some Dumb Ass MF'ers!" (Excerpt From George Carlin's 2005 "Life is Worth Losing" HBO Special) | He MUST'VE Been a Surviving 1st Wave Volunteer/Starseed! Full Show Coming Soon.. #WhataLiberalUSEDtoBe
What is the 2nd Wave of Volunteers/Starseeds Like? — Dolores Cannon | WE in 5D: The 2nd Wave is Me. And is Probably the Wave Earth Has the Most Quantity of at the Moment.