The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 02.06.2025 | Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? Why Did Satan Offer Adam & Eve Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? | Genesis 3: 1-5
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 14, 2024 ✟ “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 (KJV)
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? Why Did Satan Offer Adam & Eve Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? | Genesis 3: 1-5 | What Does the Word Deceive Mean?
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? Why Did Satan Offer Adam & Eve Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? | Genesis 3: 1-5 | What Does the Word Deceive Mean?
Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? Why Did Satan Offer Adam & Eve Eternal Life & Access to Infinite Knowledge? | Genesis 3: 1-5 | What Does the Word Deceive Mean?
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “revelation” - c. 1300, "disclosure of information or knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency,", directly from Latin revelationem "unveil, uncover, lay bare” 🕎Revelation 14;3 KJV
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “doctrine ” - late 14c., "the body of principles, dogmas, in a religion or field of knowledge," (12c.) from Latin doctrina "a teaching, body of teachings,🕎 Ephesians 4:14 KJV, Titus 1:13 KJV
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “tongue” - In the "knowledge of a foreign language.”In 16c.-16c. in the classical revival the Tongues (or the Three Tongues) were Hebrew, Greek, Latin.🕎Acts 2;1-17 KJV