Dr. Judy Mikovits | "Every Vaccine Since 1986 Has Been a Bioweapon!" & "Vaccination Is Not Immunization It Is Sterilization & Extermination." - Dr. Judy Mikovits + Are COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon?
Isn't it great when the military Industrial complex openly admits to targeting every individual on the map through digital technologies, including social media, autonomous weapons, and CRISPR gene editing bio-convergence technologies?
Dr. Judy Mikovits | What's In COVID Shots? "Every Shot Is A Bio-Weapon." | What Are Replication-Defective Viruses As Vaccines & Vaccine Vectors? Since 2009 mRNA Has Been In Flu Shots? Shots Include Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, Monkey-Kidney
💥💉 Dr. Lee Merritt ~ The Globalists Using Fear and Mind Control, the Vaccine "Bio-Weapon", 5G, The Cancer and Parasite Connection (Dr. Lee's Links Below)