14 days ago11 year old girl from Bakhmut tells how the "white angels" of the Ukrainian Army kidnappedTruthseekers17
14 days agoA family evacuated from Artyomovsk talks about the Ukrainian national police unit White AngelsTruthseekers17
12 days ago11 yr old girl from Bakhmut tells how "white angels" of Ukrainian Army kidnapped childrenTalkToTheBody
8 months agoA resident in Ukraine hid her son from the Ukrainian Zelensky regime's White Angels child kidnappersRussia/Ukraine War Reports
14 days agoThe Ukrainian Armed Forces, together with the organizations "White Angel" and "Phoenix",Truthseekers17
1 month ago11-year-old Ukrainian girl talks about the evil White Angels organization from the Zelensky regimeRussia/Ukraine War Reports
14 days ago🧐 “Ukrainian Armed Forces, together with the organizations "White Angel" and "Phoenix"palmernpVerified
1 year ago11 year old girl from Bakhmut tells how the "white angels" of the Ukrainian Army kidnapped childrenRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
1 year agothe forcible abduction of children by the Ukrainian national police unit "White Angels"CrimesAgainstHumanity - NAZIwarCRIMES - DS TERROR
8 months agoResidents in Ukraine talk about child abduction by the Ukrainian White Angels paramilitary unitsRussia/Ukraine War Reports
1 year agoArtyomovsk Refugees Speak of Ukraine's "White Angels" Abducting ChildrenEvaKareneBartlettJournalism
1 year ago►❎❗️⚠❗️◾ ◾️Ukrainian 'White Angels': "We hid the children in cold apartments, in basements"Zodland World News Channel
1 year agoA 11 Year Old Girl From Bakhmut Tells How The"White Angels" Of The AFU Kidnapped ChildrenDTv415
1 year agoEXPOSED: UKRAINE CHILD TRAFFICKING! - "White Angels" Hunting Down Russian Children & SELLING Them!World Alternative Media
1 year ago11 year old girl from Bakhmut tells how the "white angels" of the Ukrainian Army#SeekingTheTruth JoshWhoVerified
1 year ago11 year old girl from Bakhmut tells how the "white angels" of the Ukrainian Army Translated to Eng#SeekingTheTruth JoshWhoVerified
2 years agoTrump Return! Juan O Savin Decode! White Hat Intel! - Situation Update (The Black Sun)MyCatholicRedPill
6 months agowhite angels of the Ukro Army kidnapped children at gun point & shoot at civiliansCrimesAgainstHumanity - NAZIwarCRIMES - DS TERROR
1 year ago11yo girl from Bakhmut tells how the "White Angels" of the Ukrainian Army kidnapped childrenTellMeSweetLittleLies
1 year agoDonbass: Children stolen by the Ukrainian Police units called "White Angels"TellMeSweetLittleLies
1 year ago"White Angel" and "Phoenix", forcibly took children out of BakhmutRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
1 year ago►❎❗️⚠❗️◾Bakhmut: Ukrainian national police unit 'White Angels' forcibly removing childrenZodland World News Channel