Dr. Mikovits | Vaccine Nanotechnology | Doctor Judy Mikovits Breaks Down the Nefarious Patents | Who Is Developing Vaccine Nanotechnology? What Does Vaccine Nanotechnology Mean? (Read the Patents In the Description)
Vaccine Nanotechnology | WATCH the New Stew Peters Documentary "FINAL DAYS" Featuring Karen Kingston TODAY | "DNA Is Highly Programmable Just Like a Computer." - Dr. Andrew Phillips (Head of Bio Computation Microsoft Research)
CBDCs | The Connection Between the Epstein & Gates-Funded MIT Lab, CBDCs, Vaccine Passports, Quantum Dots and The Technology That Makes It Possible for No Man to Buy or Sell Unless They Have the Quantum Mark
COVID-19 Shots | "Human Cells Were Meant to Make Human Proteins. The Lipid Nano Particles Are Toxic. The Spike Proteins from the Shots Are Toxic. We Cannot Afford to Alter the Immune System of Humanity Moving Forward." - Dr. Ryan Cole
Vaccines | "With the Rise of Brain-Computer Interfaces And Biometric Sensors, It Is Very Likely That People Will Literally Be a Part of a Network. All of the Bodies, All of the Brains Would Be Connected to A Network." - Yuval Noah Harari
Lara Trump | A Behind-the-Scenes Look Into the Life of Lara Trump Including: Her Life Before She Became a Trump, Where She Was When Trump Announced His First Presidential Run, Her Fitness & Healthy Eating Tips & Her Trump Impersonation!!!
Great Reset | The Great ReAwakening Vs. The Great Reset | "You Are Either On the Side of Saving America or You Are Against Us." - Mel K (402 Tickets Remain for Jan. 20th & 21st Nashville, TN
CHINA | "The Asian Has Inched Closer to Creating An Artificial Sun." - WION (4/15/2023) | "Many of Things I Talk About & People In the West React w/ Apprehension & FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction Is Excitement! Wow We Can Do That!"