2 years agoI do not create a new Religion ❤️ Motive for the new Divine Revelation... 3rd Testament Chapter 5-3The Third Testament
2 years agoRevelations of the Divine... Jesus Christ elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 63-4The Third Testament
2 years agoWarnings, apocalyptic Wars and Pestilences... Purification of Earth and Humanity ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 55-1The Third Testament
2 years agoReflections of Jesus on World War 2... Powerful Rulers and Abuse of Power ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 51-2The Third Testament
9 months agoNew Testament / Koine Greek class #24: Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, William Mounce, chap 20KJBIBLE1611
2 years agoEvery Eye shall see Me ❤️ Spiritual Sun of the Second Coming of Christ... 3rd Testament Chapter 3-2The Third Testament
5 months agoNew Testament / Koine Greek, lecture #11: Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook, Mounce, chapter 12KJBIBLE1611
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8 months agoNT / Koine Greek, 1st year, Lecture #9: Basics of Biblical Greek workbook, chap 10 William MounceKJBIBLE1611
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