10 months ago'Sickening' Tape of Bernie Sanders Raping Boy Surfaces in New Pizzagate Files [They're NOT Human]MyCatholicRedPill
3 months agoNIH Chief Raja Cholan caught on tape admitting their Covid measures were "completely made up"FCKtheJAB - JabRoulette - TRANSHUMANISM for the NWO
4 years agoPee Tape Truthers who peddled Russia Hoax named to Biden transition teamDevin Nunes PressVerified
1 year agoDurham Report Released! Trump Vindicated! It Was All A Hoax! Shocker!!Life According To Marz, Story at 6
1 year agoTrump leaked audio is a HOAX Trump NOT CHARGED over Iran docs the media LIED out of CONTEXT audioJMReports
1 month ago#120 | Hurricane Politics, Leaked Google Tape, Kavanaugh Gets Me Too-ed | Beauty & the BetaMattAndBlondeArchive
7 months agoChristopher Steele - Trump was hacked is the same guy that lied about the pp tape the steel dossierBretFVerified
1 year agoGOP RELEASES January 6th Tapes PROVING NO INSURRECTION, It Was A Hoax, Cops HELPEDTimcastIRLVerified
2 years agoGun Control Red Flag Slippery Slope Ghosts In The Machine J6 Committee HOAXBestfreemoviefinderdotcom
1 month ago#113 | Guest Liberty Doll, Cohen Tapes, "Fake" Ocasio Interview, BK Gets Woke | Beauty & the BetaMattAndBlondeArchive
1 year ago'Real Message from hell caught on tape scares you to death!!!!!!!' - finehumility - 2010Info Worm
1 year ago#389 | J6 Tapes Released, Musk’s Advertiser Boycott, Bin Laden’s Letter | Matt & Blonde ShowMatt ChristiansenVerified
3 years agoEpic Backfire! Jussie Smollett Trial REVEALS A Rehearsal Tape Of Hoax!The QuarteringVerified