Trump Cabinet Picks | Susie Wiles Chosen As Chief of Staff + Who Will Trump Pick to Be In His Cabinet? Will Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Mike Pompeo Make the Cut In Trump's Cabinet? Who Is Elon Musk?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Most Legal Systems Are Based On a Belief In Human Rights. Human Rights,Just Like God In Heaven Are Just a Story That We've Invented. Take a Human Being, Cut Him Open, You Won't Find Any Rights."
Peter Navarro | Fox News Just Cut Off Peter Navarro As He Delivered His Final Statement Before Reporting to Federal Prison | Support Peter Navarro's Legal Defense Fund Today At:
Hamas | "They Have Crafty Counsel Against Thy People & Consulted Against Thy Hidden Ones. They Have Said, Come & Let us Cut Them Off Being a Nation; That the Name of Israel May Be No More In Remembrance." | Daniel 9:27, Rev 6, Psalm 83
BlackRock | Why Did President Trump TRUTH Out “Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Is Fantastic?” Is BlackRock’s Asset Buying A.I. Is the World’s Most Powerful Entity On the Planet? Dr. Fauci 2.0? Why Did Moody’s Just Cut Ratings of 10 U.S. Banks?
Entrepreneur Podcasts | Want Super Success? Cut the CRAP & Focus On Proven Core Repeatable Actionable Processes + Peter Taunton Who Launched 6,000+ Franchisees Across 3 brands including: Nautical Bowls, SNAP Fitness, Lift Brands, etc.
"No tanks, no planes, no missiles to Ukraine!' 🇫🇷 In Paris, they protest against the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The protesters also cut the NATO flag.