Archbishop Viganò questions Francis' papacy. SSPX promotes false consecration. Church history follows Christ's life. Conversion of the Jews. Martyrdom of the Orthodox? Fatima vision of Hell.
Deformed papacy for a deformed church: Francis' fallible canonizations? Where is Catholic magisterium now? Shanghai lockdown and planned famine. WEF creating new digital man: homo digitalis, Sister Lucia imposter? Proclaim Christ true King!
false shepherd Bishop TD Jakes says LGBT Community should have their own Church of YAHUVEH GOD. YAH SAYS these pimps will "lead people to the false Christ, the only begotten son of satan." (mirrored)
After Destroying countless lives. Street Preachers Warn & Rebuke antichrist preacher Mike Murdock to Repent. But he only hardens his heart. Great majority of these pimps will perish (mirrored)