1. 2011, Nazis and Communists in America, Seg 2 of 2 (8.54, )

    2011, Nazis and Communists in America, Seg 2 of 2 (8.54, )

  2. 11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

    11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

  3. 01-27-10 Taxes and Income, SEG. 2 of 5 (9.54,)

    01-27-10 Taxes and Income, SEG. 2 of 5 (9.54,)

  4. 11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

    11-01-10 Your Vote Does Count, Seg 2 (12.54, 8)

  5. 12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 1 (14.54, 10)

    12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 1 (14.54, 10)

  6. 2010, Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54) m

    2010, Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54) m

  7. 2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54, must see) m

    2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54, must see) m

  8. 01-08-10 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54)

    01-08-10 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54)

  9. Er norsk politikk på ville veier? Alfred Bjørlo om skatter, næringsliv og effektivisering

    Er norsk politikk på ville veier? Alfred Bjørlo om skatter, næringsliv og effektivisering

  10. 2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54,) m

    2010 Use Whatever Means, say the Liberals, Seg 2 of 7 (9.54,) m

  11. 09-29-09 Battle Hymn of the Republic Song Bastardized in School, Seg 4 (9.54, 8) m

    09-29-09 Battle Hymn of the Republic Song Bastardized in School, Seg 4 (9.54, 8) m

  12. 03-03-09 FEMA and The Obama Deception, Seg 1 of 2 (10.54, 2) audio

    03-03-09 FEMA and The Obama Deception, Seg 1 of 2 (10.54, 2) audio

  13. 12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 3 (14.54, 10)

    12-09-10 The Revolution is Now, Seg 3 (14.54, 10)

  14. 10-25-10 Progressive Crime Of The Century, Seg 2 (14.54,)

    10-25-10 Progressive Crime Of The Century, Seg 2 (14.54,)

  15. 03-05-09 The Kudlow Report, Seg 2 of 2 (5.54, 9) m

    03-05-09 The Kudlow Report, Seg 2 of 2 (5.54, 9) m
