Golden Rule | "He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules." | Why Did the Bank of International Settlements Make Gold a Tier One Asset In 2019? "Since WWII There Has Been One Tier One Asset, the U.S. Dollar." - Schectman + Kiyosaki
Dollar Collapse | "When the ALL AT ONCE COMES, It's Going to Be a Religious Experience & One That I Don't Think Will Be Very Pleasant for the Majority of the People." - Andy Schectman (October 11th 2023)
World Economic Forum 2024 | "It's Laughable That You Or Anyone Would Describe DAVOS As Protecting Democracy...President Trump Is Going to Take On the Power of the Elites." - President of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts
BRICS | "Over 60 Countries Have Applied / Are In the Process of Applying for BRICS & When You Put BRICS Together w/ Two Other Groups, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization & the Belt Road Initiative (Over 150 Countries)." Andy Schectman
Dollar Collapse | "The Bank of International Settlements In April of 2019 Quietly Classified Gold As the World's ONLY Other Tier 1 Reserve Asset" - Andy Schectman