Dr. Zoellner | What Would Z Do? Doctor Robert Zoellner Teaches the 10 Principles He Uses to Start Several Multi-Million Dollar Businesses + Join Tebow At Clay Clark's Dec 5-6 2024 Business Conference (Recorded 2018)
Jackassery | "Pull Up Your Calendar & It's Going to Tell You What You Are Going to Do Tomorrow!" - Doctor Zoellner + Discover How Clay Clark & Dr. Zoellner Find the Time to Build Several Multi-Million Dollar Companies
Clay Clark Client Success Story | Celebrating 200% Growth of BunkieLife.com “Last Year Was Our Best Year Ever We're Working Less & Making More! Every Dollar of Coaching Has Returned 100 Times." - David Frasier
Bo Polny | Why Did the House Select a Member of the World Economic Forum (Kevin McCarthy) to Lead the Fight Against the World Economic Forum? | Is the Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner?
Bo Polny | The COLLAPSE OF THE DOLLAR Explained Featuring Confirming Commentary from: Fred Smith (Founder of FedEX), Steve Bannon, Donald J. Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Navarro, Flynn, Charles Payne, Etc.
Cognitive Dissonance | The BRICS Lead De-Dollarization | "We Are Going Down. It Will Be the Biggest Crash In World History." - Robert Kiyosaki + Is America Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance About the Health of the U.S. Dollar?
De-Dollarization | China & Brazil Have Completed Their First Bilateral Trade Using Local Currency | "De-Dollarization Trend Will Continue, Dollar Dominance Is Going to Decline" - John Pang (RT News) + "What's Going to Happen?"
Golden Rule | "He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules." | Why Did the Bank of International Settlements Make Gold a Tier One Asset In 2019? "Since WWII There Has Been One Tier One Asset, the U.S. Dollar." - Schectman + Kiyosaki
Gold | "How Much Value Has This (The Dollar) Lost In 100 Years?" - Robert Kiyosaki + "Almost All of Its Purchasing Power (Has Been Lost)." - Dana Samuelson + 40 countries have applied to join BRICS in 2024 (April 24 2024)
Dollar Collapse | "On 8/22/23 In South Africa, the BRICS Nations Are Meeting, What Does That Meeting Mean to You?" - Robert Kiyosaki "If They Create This Currency Backed By Gold This Will Be the Largest