6 months agoThe World Is a ROMAN Circus to Keep You Preoccupied and Distracted from the NWO Cabal & True CosmosLiberty TV
7 hours agoIf the Whole World is Idolizing Saturn, What's the Option for Us? Are We Stuck in the Saturn Matrix?Liberty TV
8 days agoDeceiver Elon Musk & the NWO-Puppet Hand Sign | Make/Share/Mirror Videos Like This to Save Mankind!Liberty TV
6 days agoThe True Nature of Planets, Influence of Saturn throughout History and Mysterious Cult of SaturnLiberty TV
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3 months agoNUCLEAR WEAPONS DON'T EXIST! Don't Be Duped by the Satanic NWO Cabal! | James W. Lee and Jesse WaughLiberty TV
1 month agoSATURN IS NOT A PLANET! The World Had Better Find Out If Trump and Musk Are Saturn Worshippers!Liberty TV
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4 months agoThe History of Sun Worship from Ancient Egypt to Modern Rome Exposes the Sun Cult & Heliocentric LieLiberty TV
3 months agoThe Jesuits, NOT the Jews, Run the World through Proxies! Know the Puppet Masters! | James W. LeeLiberty TV
5 months agoIf They (Politicians, Patriots, Truthers, Media, Etc.) Don't Say "JESUITS," They're on the PAYROLLLiberty TV
3 months agoNWO Cabal Has Been Building Up Hatred Toward Israel & Zionists! IT'S ALL BY DESIGN! DON'T BE DUPED!Liberty TV
3 months agoNUKES DON'T EXIST! NWO Cabal Can Fake a Nuclear War, Blame EMF Radiation Deaths on Explosion/FalloutLiberty TV
3 months agoNWO Cabal Depop & Transh/Mind-Ctrl the World via Proxies Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, etc.Liberty TV
3 months agoThe Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews Are LOSING! They Had Better Know the REAL POWER!Liberty TV
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5 months agoGOOD/BAD YOU DECIDE: Donald Trump Announces Elon Musk Will Head Audit of "Entire Federal Government"Liberty TV
4 months agoThe Astrotheological Bible Tells about the Star Wars Preceding the Age of Aquarius | Jordan MaxwellLiberty TV
6 months agoTrump, Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Netanyahu, Putin, etc. Obey the Roman AI-NWO Cabal, NOT Zionist CabalLiberty TV
4 months ago"Eliminated" YAHYA SINWAR = JESUIT ORDER? They Keep You Distracted from Mother of All Conspiracies!Liberty TV
4 months agoBITTER TRUTH on the Church, Bible, Jesus, 12 Apostles, Cabal's Plan, End Times and Coming of ChristLiberty TV