1998 Prophecy 23 - Church Of The Pretenders... Let MY People Go!!! (This was 25 year ago now we use YAHUSHUA/YAHSHUA more as Great Tribulation is a Breath Away, study why) Salvation Prayer included, is Prophecy 147
Amightywind Prophecy 39 - ANOINTED HOLY EAGLES, COME FORTH! "Fight against the attacks of the unholy vultures. Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden you safely away from this world's eyes, away from the church systems."
Prophecy 63 - Oh Israel, Where Is Your Blood Sacrifice? BELOVED YAH ALMIGHTY SAYS "YAHUSHUA is that Temple. YAHUSHUA is the only Blood Sacrifice I will accept." (mirrored)
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 6 - "Stand together and fight for Holiness. Stand together and fight unholiness. In MY Power, in MY Word, in MY Name, under MY Anointing, through MY Blood.." (PROPHECY IN DESCRIPTION TOO)
Amightywind Prophecy 34 Exposes "When the Mark of the Beast comes people will think it is a blessing.." (this means millions will claim it's not the mark it's for good)
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 5 - You Are MY Hidden Treasure, You Are MY Hidden Weapon! "The footsteps of the Godly are ordained by YAHUVEH. Keep following MY footsteps and lead others unto ME."
Prophecy 57 (sorry let me explain, music removed from audio, Mp3 file added it was aligned but when uploaded it lags some) We so need this spoken Prophecy
Amightywind Prophecy 73 (short version) Judgment! A Fake Rapture Coming! Project Blue Beam Deception a coming dark jesus. YAHUSHUA JESUS and True Rapture Mocked and much more
Indepth Prophetic Revelations about The Bride of YAHUSHUA, The 144,000, Amightywind Prophecy Excerpts 98, 26, 21, 66. One cannot be the Bride without keeping the True Shabbat & Holy Days, rejecting the pagan days
Prophecy 48 - Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat! "you Jews did not crucify, I, YAHUSHUA. It was the Romans that nailed ME to that cross. The Romans sacrificed MY Children.."