Bo Polny | Why Did the House Select a Member of the World Economic Forum (Kevin McCarthy) to Lead the Fight Against the World Economic Forum? | Is the Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner?
Mark of the Beast | Doctor Stella Immanuel | Is the Mark of the Beast Here?! 666 Mark of the Beast Technology Being Developed by CERN, the World Economic Forum, BRICS, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab + 60 Biblical Signs of the Times
Robin Bullock | "Yuval Noah Harari and He's the Prophet for World Economic Forum, Barack Obama Praises Him. Bill Gates Praises Him. Mark Zuckerberg Praises Him." (Featuring 20+ Clips of Yuval Noah Harari Stating The Great Reset Agenda)
Anthropocene | Why Is the World Economic Forum Calling for the Anthropocene? | Why Are the Gates and the Rockefeller Foundations Building Up a Seed Supply to Survive the Anthropocene?
Klaus Schwab | Biden Delivers Keynote On "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution" & Schwab Describes Biden As, "You Were One of the Most Engaged and Hardest Working Members of the World Economic Forum."
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Phil Hotsenpiller | The RESTRICT ACT | Is the RESTRICT ACT Targeting TikTok or Freedom Loving Americans? Why Is Musk Pushing mRNA Technology? What Is the Neurosity CROWN? What Are Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interface?
Pedophiles | World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’ | "Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good and Good Evil; That Put Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness." - Isaiah 5:20
The Children of Table 34 - A rare and disturbing video from the Phil Donahue Show exposing Alfred Kinsey and his team as the sick criminal Pedophiles they were.
The Great Reset | What Happened In 1971? Why Did Kissinger Encourage Nixon to Get Off of the Gold Standard In 1971? Why Did Kissinger Encourage Klaus Schwab to Start the World Economic Forum In 1971?