The Federal Reserve | “The Biggest Scam They Have Is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Is Not Owned By the American People, It Is Owned By 24 Prime Brokers, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley. How Does That Work? ” - Steve Bannon
Amanda Grace | Is American Becoming the New Weimar Republic? Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation? + What 6 Events Does the Bible Say That Are Going to Happen? + "Signs of De-Dollarization Emerging" - JP Morgan
Dollar Collapse | "Just Since the Beginning of the Biden Administration the Cost of Living Is Up 30%. I Think the Entire Banking System Is Insolvent." - Peter Schiff (4/29/2024) Putin Seizes $440 Million from JP Morgan
Doctor Charles Morgan | "You Are Taking Over Somebody Else's Physical Body With the Mind of Another Human." Doctor Charles Morgan (Former Member of the CIA - Speaking to U.S. Cadets At West Point In 2018)