Appealing to the old sparkys - Malone,McCullough, ADAMS , Ruby, JONES, PETERS,ZEEE.... - 802.15.6-.5.-4. IEEE - Are We Being Truthful?‽? - WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU TALKING ABOUT IT???
Business Podcast | Customer Service + The Power of Implementing Merit-Based Pay Versus Paying Your Team a Flat Salary + Increase Your Profits By Offering Great Customer Service + Tebow Joins Business Conference!
Climate Change | If You Wanted to Advance In Your Career, Like Being At a Prestigious University, Get a Big Salary, Get Lots of Grant Funding, & Get Big Awards from Professional Societies, Clearly There Was One Path to Go.“ - Judith Curry
Why Do Captured People Say the Strangest Things? | Professional Baseball Player, Anthony Bass apologized to protect his $3 million annual salary. Bass shared a video to his Instagram, calling on Christians to join the Target & Bud Light boycotts.