1 year agoEp 3283b - The Door Has Been Open, All Roads Lead To [BO], FISA Brings Down The HouseX22 ReportVerified
19 days agoFRIDAY OPEN LINES LIVE! CALL-IN SHOW: 2/28, 7pm EST: Your Time, Your VoiceNewsTreasonVerified
11 months agoEp 3312b - [DS] Exposure Equals Panic, The Door Has Been Open, People See The Truth, Game OverX22 ReportVerified
1 month agoOpen Eyes Ep. 182 - "Finally The Swamp Being Annihilated: Promises and Justice."OpenEyesVerified
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26 days agoFRIDAY OPEN LINES LIVE! CALL-IN SHOW: 2/21, 7pm EST: Your Time, Your VoiceNewsTreasonVerified
1 year agoEp. 3093b - Pandora's Box Has Been Open, Direction Set, The Storm Has ArrivedX22 ReportVerified
26 days agoOpen Eyes Ep. 184 - "The Hammer of Justice Is Coming Because It's Time For Restitution!"OpenEyesVerified
2 months agoFRIDAY OPEN LINES LIVE CALL-IN SHOW - 1/10, 7pm EST: Your Time, Your VoiceNewsTreasonVerified
1 year agoEp. 3099b - We Are Now In The Transparency Phase, The Door Has Been Open, Backchannels Are ImportantX22 ReportVerified
1 month agoFRIDAY OPEN LINES LIVE! LIVE CALL-IN SHOW: 2/14, 7pm EST: Your Time, Your VoiceNewsTreasonVerified
2 months agoFRIDAY OPEN LINES LIVE CALL-IN SHOW - 1/3, 7pm EST: Your Time, Your VoiceNewsTreasonVerified
1 month agoOpen Eyes Ep. 183 - "Stick To The Script: Restitution Not Revenge! Transparency Is Needed."OpenEyesVerified
4 years agoEp. 2400b - The [DS] Is Opening The Front Door, The Flood Gates Will OpenX22 ReportVerified
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1 year agoAbe Hamadeh - A Black Swan Event Is Headed Our Way, It’s Time Expose The Election Rigging SystemX22 ReportVerified
1 month agoFRIDAY OPEN LINES LIVE CALL-IN SHOW: 1/31, 7pm EST: Your Time, Your VoiceNewsTreasonVerified