1. South Korea's Democracy Threated by the Rigged April 15th Election

    South Korea's Democracy Threated by the Rigged April 15th Election

  2. Lack of Transparency and Voter Manipulation in the General Election in South Korea

    Lack of Transparency and Voter Manipulation in the General Election in South Korea

  3. How did South Korea's Democratic Party manipulate technology as a tool for totalitarianism?

    How did South Korea's Democratic Party manipulate technology as a tool for totalitarianism?

  4. China's Communist Party Manipulated South Korea's April 15, 2020 General Election

    China's Communist Party Manipulated South Korea's April 15, 2020 General Election

  5. 한국 좌파정권과 중국공산당의 부정선거 음모

    한국 좌파정권과 중국공산당의 부정선거 음모

  6. 부정선거에 이용되는 빅 테크의 위험성.

    부정선거에 이용되는 빅 테크의 위험성.

  7. KCPAC 2020 Roundtable Discussion - 4.15 General Election Analysis

    KCPAC 2020 Roundtable Discussion - 4.15 General Election Analysis

  8. How Did South Korean Ruling Party Become a Super Majority in National Assembly?

    How Did South Korean Ruling Party Become a Super Majority in National Assembly?

  9. Chinese Communist Party Connection and the Big Data

    Chinese Communist Party Connection and the Big Data

  10. How Are South Korea's April 2020 Election Fraud Lawsuits Shunned By the Court?

    How Are South Korea's April 2020 Election Fraud Lawsuits Shunned By the Court?

  11. The Secret of QR Code on South Korean Mail-in Ballot Paper

    The Secret of QR Code on South Korean Mail-in Ballot Paper

  12. What Does Statistics Tell us about South Korea's April 15th General Election?

    What Does Statistics Tell us about South Korea's April 15th General Election?

  13. 한국의 4.15 총선에서 어떤 부정이 있었을가? 누가 왜?

    한국의 4.15 총선에서 어떤 부정이 있었을가? 누가 왜?

  14. South Korea's Ballot Counting Machine - Super Computer? Why?

    South Korea's Ballot Counting Machine - Super Computer? Why?
