Donald J. Trump 1995 Interview With Roger Ailes (Trump Was 49 Years Old At the Time) | "The People That Don't Like Me Are the Rich People. I Sort of Love It. Media, Are Some of the Truly Most Dishonest People." - Donald J. Trump
Solar Eclipse | April 8th 2024 | How CERN Works? 64 Facts Including: Solar Eclipse, NASA "Serpent Deity," CERN Restarts, Billions of Cicidas? Red Heifers In Israel? National Guard? + Masonic Rituals Worldwide to USHER In NWO
Mikovits | Dr. Mikovits | April 8th 2024 | Will It Be Nothing Burger? 47 Facts Including: Solar Eclipse, NASA "Serpent Deity," CERN Restarts, Billions of Cicidas? Red Heifers In Israel? National Guard? + Worldwide Masonic Rituals
Donald J. Trump | 1995 Interview With Roger Ailes (Trump Was 49 Years Old At the Time) | "The People That Don't Like Me Are the Rich People. I Sort of Love It. Media, Are Some of the Truly Most Dishonest People." - Donald J. Trump