University of West Florida: Nicolas Confirmed He Returned to Jesus, Dealing with Some Proud Mockers, Encouraging One Young Man To Evangelize And Not Let Satan Discourage Him
University of West Florida: Preaching Jesus & One Young Woman Has Doubts About Her Salvation, I Exhort Her To Get Alone With God Until She Knows Jesus Has Given Her A New Heart!
Multiple Deaths From Tornadoes As Death Toll Rises, Florida Dome Shredded, 3 Million Without Power, 1-1000 year Rainfall, 100mph Wind Gusts, Siesta Key Prophetic Word, Jesus Hates You Americans & Blesses Me Daniel Lee
University of Florida: Tears Wet My Eyes As I Preach To the Careless Multitudes, A Humble Christian Asks About My Method, A Mocking Lesbian Receives A Gospel Tract, I Really Felt The Anointing Today, The Hour Is SO LATE!
Florida State University: Preaching To The Masses And Eventually A Small Crowd Gathers As I Deal With A Gnostic Heckler -- At First The Crowd Is Generally Mocking And Then Sobers As The Holy Spirit Works