3 months agoJack Smith Cry's Uncle, Exorcizing The Trans Army, Deportations/Trumps Word:WeAreRise ShowVerified
2 days agoPresident Trump 'Killing Them(DEMS) Softly with his Words', The Future is Certain and Garbage HumansWeAreRise ShowVerified
3 days agoInvite Show/Pre-Show: Are you Prepared to get what you Need, Not what You Want?WeAreRise ShowVerified
4 days agoDouble cross or Setup, 'Historic Announcement' Are Influencers Driving the Narrative NegativelyWeAreRise ShowVerified
7 days agoInvite Show; 'Acting Thankful', Kosher Lite Redactions, Rick Rolling and more..WeAreRise ShowVerified
9 days agoLayoffs, Criminal Referrals, 'Knights of The Roundtable' and the Elusive Gambit of TransparencyWeAreRise ShowVerified
11 days agoBuying or Selling: Deputy Director Bongino, 2020 Election still matter, and Email Elon B$$MBsWeAreRise ShowVerified
14 days agoInvite Show: Resistance is Futile, What's a Name on a List, CPAC Goes Rogue and moreWeAreRise ShowVerified
18 days agoRepatriation of Gold, Surging EFPs/ Trumps Daytona 500 Yellow Brick Rd moment and loads moreWeAreRise ShowVerified
16 days ago'Turn the cards", Rome is Burning/The Last Pope, Elon mentions Starshield and Tax RewardWeAreRise ShowVerified
25 days agoUncomfortable Truths vs Comfortable Lies/ Transparency through Tech and more..WeAreRise ShowVerified
21 days agoInvite Show: The Unsoundness of Media's Mind/Promoting Public Health vs Banning biG PHARMa AdsWeAreRise ShowVerified
23 days agoThe Transparency you Need, Want or Deserve/Curators vs Gatekeepers and considerably moreWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines: Invite Show, Exploring the Maestro @TheSuperbowl, 'Balls to the Wall'-Dems Are MeltingWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoDe-Facto State of War with Mexico or Canada/ Tariffs vs AIDS/DOJ-US Attorney vows to protect DOGEWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoU-SAID Smurfed Money to Fake Media Orgs/ Realigning the [C?A] and Prez Trump heads to The SuPEr BOWLWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines: 'Flying the Friendly Skies' Blind Midget Dwarfs with Speech Impairments vs Common SenseWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoDEI=DNR, Deepseek Ai vs Stargate, Invasion USA; The Subjugation and more..WeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines: Invite Show; End of FEMA/FISA Ruled Unconstitutional and What's in a Name-StargateWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Line: Invite Show, Escape from LA(Not the Movie), As Funerals Go, Elon gets EnlightenedWeAreRise ShowVerified
2 months agoSlow Burn to Speakership, FF's and their Patsy Incels and Justice Roberts issues Veiled Threats!WeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoConfirm or Deny, Trump Inauguration Plan, Greenland bends the Knee and Bannon/Musk DiscordWeAreRise ShowVerified
1 month agoOpen Lines-Invite Show; Inauguration Detour: Inclement Weather, Credible Threats Is Something OffWeAreRise ShowVerified