4 years agoIMPROVE YOUR SHOOTING...AT HOME! | Setting up and using the Mantis X10 Elite shooting systemShe Equips Herself
3 years agoMANTIS LASER ACADEMY | Train like you're at the range...at home! Review & tutorialShe Equips Herself
1 year agoANSWERING YOUR EMBARRASSING GUN QUESTIONS PT 2! | You don't want to miss these!!She Equips Herself
1 year agoHollow Knight Longplay p3 Fungal wastes, Shrumal, Cloth, Hornet, Mantis village, claw, leg eaterTMOS gaming channel
1 year agoLet's Play! Turok Dinosaur Hunter Part 6! Jumping from Treetop to Treetop!Phil2Real Let's Plays