Lessons in Liberty Pyrotechnics 🔥. The Zippo FireFast Torch versus the DeWalt 20 Volt Max Heat Gun (DCE530B), and Tending Fires in the Cold Months versus in the Warm Months on Saturday, 12/07/2024, at 15:24 EST.
Lessons in Liberty Plumbing -- the Wonka Effect Resumes. Natural Law; Copper Versus SharkBite and PEX; Gas and Water Supply Lines; Setting My Sights onto my Bradford White 50 Gallon Residential Power Direct Vent Natural Gas Water Heater (Model #RG1PV50S6N
Lessons in Liberty Pool Technics. Operation Winterize Part 5 of — Free Chlorine (DPD-1), Combined Chlorine (DPD-3), and Total Chlorine on Monday, 10/21/2024, at 20:33 EDT.
Fixing Thomas Crapper's Throne, and Comparing Brass Pipe Threads Versus Compression Threads -- Lessons in Liberty Plumbing on Saturday, 01/27/2024, at 14:00 EST.