CRISPR | Jennifer Doudna | Why Is Jennifer Doudna Stating At the World Economic Forum, "Imagine That We Had a Tool Where We Could Fix Mutations In Actual DNA, a Text Editor for DNA and Cells?"
CRISPR | How Does CRISPR Work? How Does CRISPR Work? CRISPR 101 featuring: Elon Musk, Jennifer Doudna, Bill Gates, Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough
Larry Ellison | Are Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Klaus Schwab, Jennifer Doudna, Ray Kurzweil, & Bill Gates On the Same Page About mRNA Vaccines & AI? "Humans Are Now Hackable Animals." - Harari (10/29/2020)
Jennifer Gross | “There Is A Saying, As Ohio Goes, So Goes The Nation. Where Do You Think We’d Be If Ohio Had Passed A Medical Freedom Bill?” - Jennifer Gross
Jennifer Gross | “If You Had To Request An Exemption To Keep Your Job In Ohio, You Are Still Very Dangerously Close To The Next Step Of Coercion, Which Is The Loss Of Your Freedom And Liberty.” - Jennifer Gross
CRISPR | Jennifer Doudna Stating At the World Economic Forum, "Imagine That We Had a Tool Where We Could Fix Mutations In Actual DNA, a Text Editor for DNA and Cells"