The Great Reset | Why Does One Nefarious Agenda Have So Many Names? The Great Reset, COVID-19, Transhumanism, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Fourth Kingdom, The New World Order, Event 201, Agenda 2030, CBDCs, etc.
CBDCs | "In the End You Need to Know Who Has Been Vaccinated and Who Hasn't Been." - Tony Blair (Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and a Member of the World Economic Forum)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Christians Say They Have a Recipe for a Kingdom On Earth. Then They Gain Power...and You Get The Inquisition." + "Global Governance," "Eliminating Privacy Completely," "Giving People Eternal Life.&qu
The Great Reset | "The Fourth Industrial Is An All-Consuming Industrial Revolution. Affecting All Services, All Products, All Countries, and All People. All of This Has Been Set Out By Klaus Schwab." - Gordon Brown (Former PM of the UK)
Central Bank Digital Currency | Freedom-Killing Programmable Currency Explained In 4 Minutes "The Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of (currency) that central bank liability."
CLUB OF ROME | Why Did Klaus Schwab Say? "World Economic Forum At That Time Launched the CLUB OF ROME Report (Calling for 10 Economic Kingdoms)" | Rev 17:12 "Thou Sawest 10 Kings" | Transhumanism, CERN, WEF, Harari, Israel, Inflation,
CLUB OF ROME | Why Did Klaus Schwab Say? "World Economic Forum At That Time Launched the CLUB OF ROME Report (Calling for 10 Economic Kingdoms)" | Rev 17:12 "Thou Sawest 10 Kings" | Transhumanism, CERN, WEF, Harari, Israel, Inflation,
Culture War | How to Protect Our Children from the Same Psyops Used by Mao and Hitler to Radicalize Youth | Leigh Dundas | “We are Overly Obedient Even When We Shouldn’t Be” | The Psychology of the Winner