RumbleBreakingBuzz" is a great choice for a news-related channel on Rumble. It conveys the idea of providing up-to-the-minute news and updates, which can be very appealing to viewers interested in current events.
Robert Kiyosaki | Robert Kiyosaki Explains Message Behind a Book He Wrote With Donald J. Trump, "The Midas Touch." + "Most Of the Guys On Youtube Are All Macro. I Have No Idea What They Are Talking About. This Is Micro."
Business Podcast | How to Turn Your Idea Into a Profitable Company + "The Disease of Thinking That a Really Great Idea Is 90% of the Work. The Process Is the Magic! " - Steve Jobs (Co-Founder of Apple) + The Story
You can't make this shit up. This CBS fake news dude criticizes Trump's "unrealistic idea" of "no tax on tips," then praises Kamala's stolen "great idea" of "no tax on tips."
Business Coach | “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” - Guy Kawasaki (One of Original Apple Employees Responsible for Marketing Apple Macintosh Computer) + The Disease of Believing Great Ideas Are 90% of the Work
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Work Mainly In the Field of Dessiminating Ideas. It's Spreading Ideas In the World. Alot of Things Begin with a Seed. The Seed Is An Idea. You Plant the Seeds In Alot of Minds. In a Few Minds the Seed Will Sprout." -
Donald J. Trump Archived 1980 & 1994 Interviews | Trump At Age of 34 & 48 On Work Ethic, Friendships, Marriage, Raising Kids, God, Becoming President, "Putting Your Wife to Work Is a Really Bad Idea" + Jim Stovall Interview