1. How to Correct a Vintage Gillette Safety Razor Lazy Door Tutorial

    How to Correct a Vintage Gillette Safety Razor Lazy Door Tutorial

  2. BIGGEST LARGEST MANLIEST Vintage DE Gillette Safety Razors pre-1964

    BIGGEST LARGEST MANLIEST Vintage DE Gillette Safety Razors pre-1964

  3. Gillette's Gigantic Vintage DE Safety Razors!

    Gillette's Gigantic Vintage DE Safety Razors!

  4. Gillette & Safety Razor Collecting Ebook Wetshaving Supplies Buying Guide

    Gillette & Safety Razor Collecting Ebook Wetshaving Supplies Buying Guide

  5. Razor Emporium Revamp Service -Vintage Gillette DE Safety Razors Replating & Restoration

    Razor Emporium Revamp Service -Vintage Gillette DE Safety Razors Replating & Restoration

  6. How to Paint Numbers on Vintage Gillette Adjustable Safety Razor Tutorial

    How to Paint Numbers on Vintage Gillette Adjustable Safety Razor Tutorial

  7. How to Understand Vintage Gillette Safety Razors vs Modern Razors i.e. Merkur Parker Edwin Jagger

    How to Understand Vintage Gillette Safety Razors vs Modern Razors i.e. Merkur Parker Edwin Jagger

  8. 2013 Razor Emporium Wet Shave and Vintage Gillette Safety Razor Store

    2013 Razor Emporium Wet Shave and Vintage Gillette Safety Razor Store

  9. How to Repair Vintage Gillette Safety Razor Missing End Caps Tutorial

    How to Repair Vintage Gillette Safety Razor Missing End Caps Tutorial

  10. What is the Best Beginner Double Edge Safety Razor?

    What is the Best Beginner Double Edge Safety Razor?

  11. Vintage Gillette Safety Razors - I love Collecting and Using these Razors

    Vintage Gillette Safety Razors - I love Collecting and Using these Razors

  12. Razor Emporium How it's Made: 100% USA Made Gillette Psycho Safety Razor Reproduction Key

    Razor Emporium How it's Made: 100% USA Made Gillette Psycho Safety Razor Reproduction Key

  13. How does the Revamp Service Affect Vintage Gillette Safety Razors Wet Shave Value

    How does the Revamp Service Affect Vintage Gillette Safety Razors Wet Shave Value

  14. shaving with the King C. Gillette safety razor. using Cremo's Heritage Red 508

    shaving with the King C. Gillette safety razor. using Cremo's Heritage Red 508

  15. Roy Johnson - Safety Razor Collector, Gillette Salesman, Wet Shaver & Friend

    Roy Johnson - Safety Razor Collector, Gillette Salesman, Wet Shaver & Friend

  16. How to: Is My Vintage DE Gillette Safety Razor Broken?

    How to: Is My Vintage DE Gillette Safety Razor Broken?

  17. What Year was My USA Gillette Safety Razor Made? Gillette Date Codes

    What Year was My USA Gillette Safety Razor Made? Gillette Date Codes

  18. Rhodium Plated Gillette Fatboy 195 Adjustable Super Blue Blades Pils Brush & Stand

    Rhodium Plated Gillette Fatboy 195 Adjustable Super Blue Blades Pils Brush & Stand

  19. Walgreens Beginner Safety Razor Shave - King C. Gillette and Matt's FIRST Barbasol Experience!

    Walgreens Beginner Safety Razor Shave - King C. Gillette and Matt's FIRST Barbasol Experience!

  20. Mysterious Vintage Razor, my first ever vintage razor ( Walkdens Safety Razor )

    Mysterious Vintage Razor, my first ever vintage razor ( Walkdens Safety Razor )
