Palo Mayombe, A Direct Line to the Devil, Sacrifice of Animals, Drinking of Blood + A Ceremony Involving 17 Men, John Was the Only One Left Standing at the End
COVID-19 Shots | Are Parasites In the COVID-19 Shots? Can They Cause 4-Foot Long Blood Clots? What Can You Do If You’ve Taken the COVID-19 Shots? Is mRNA Technology In the Flu Shots? + Planet Lockdown Producer James Patrick On CBDCs and The Great Reset
Josef Mengele, Nazi Experiments, Soul Torture + Divorce in the Heavenlies, Court Rooms, Blood, Sins Going all the Way Back to Jezebel, The Wrath of God
Relationship with God, The Enemy Wants to Destroy That Relationship + Overcome the Enemy with Word of Your Testimony and the Blood of the Lamb + Read Your Bible
Quantum Financial System, Quantum Identifiers (e.g. Blood, Fingerprints), Blessing and a Curse, It Could Put an End to Trafficking but Also to Privacy + Mark of the Beast