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Tim Redmond | “I would have anywhere from 5 clients to 20 clients with networking, but it would go up and down. Clay, that’s why I came to you. I’ve doubled every year since working with you. That’s 100% growth every year. I’ve doubled 5 times.
Business | Discover How Clay Clark Helped Guy Shepherd to Grow His Business By 30%+ In Under 9 Months |"I Was In a Really Tough Place When I Found Clay. I Was Working As Hard As I Could. I'm On a Good Track Now." - Guy Shepherd
Entrepreneurship Podcast | Business Growth & Mentorship 101 | "No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we have to find people who have already paid the price." - Brian Tracy
Business | "I Have Found Clay Clark to Be Very Helpful to Me. He's Helped Us Really Be More Profitable. I Also Recommend Their ($250 or Name Your Price) 2-Day Business Growth Seminar." - Lanny Smith of Arrival 3D | How Clay Clark Helped Arr
Mortgage Broker | How to Build a Multi-Million Dollar Mortgage Business & Next Level Income + Long-Time Client Success Stories + Tim Tebow Joins Clay Clark's June 27-28 2-Day Business Growth Workshop!!!
Business Podcasts | The Candra Czapansky Success Story | Celebrating the 300% Growth of 4-Year Client, Flutter Eyelash Extensions | From 14 Employees to 40 Employees