R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode #14 -- Tuesday, December 21st, 2021) Fellowship Chairman and Seminar Host: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Guest Speaker: Laurie Cardoza-Moore
Countdown to Ending of the Age | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Ending of the Age? Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16:12-14, Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21, 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2, Psalm 121:4, Gen 12:3, Psalm 2:2, Etc.
Jews Returning Home to Israel | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Significant Increase In Jews to Israel? (Jeremiah 16: 15-16, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 11:11, Hosea 3:4-5, Amos 9:15 & Ezekiel 11:17)
World War III | Is the Great War Post-Rapture War Close? Ezekiel 38: 5-6 | Did the Bible Prophecy Israel Being Attacked Specifically By Iran (Biblical Persia), Ethiopia (Biblical Ethiopia), Libya (Biblical Libya) & Turkey (Biblical Gomer)? What Is Gog
End Times Or Best of Times? Persian Mystery: Israel, Iran, & the End Times! Is Biblical Prophecy of Gog & Magog Being Fulfilled?! (Ezekiel 38) + Revelation 16-12-14 Euphrates Dies Up, China & Russia Team Up, False Prophet Shows Up
The Mark of the Beast | What Does the BIBLE Say About the MARK OF THE BEAST? Who Is Lucifer? Ezekiel 28:15, Luke 10:18, Isaiah 14: 12-14, & Revelation 13 11-18
ISRAEL and IRAN! Is the Biblical Prophecy of Gog & Magog Being Fulfilled Now?! (Ezekiel 38) + Revelation 16:12-14 Summary: Euphrates Dies Up, China & Russia Team Up, False Prophet Shows Up, Beast Shows Up & Battle Blows Up
Wo With Bo (Part 6) | Are We Witnessing the Fulfillment of Ezekiel 38? | Did the Bible Prophecy Israel Being Attacked By Iran (Biblical Persia), Ethiopia (Biblical Ethiopia), Libya (Biblical Libya) & Turkey (Biblical Gomer)? + Is the U.S. Dollar Out o
Erick Stakelbeck | Why Is the World Focused On Israel? What Does the Bible Say About Israel & the End Times? Are We Witnessing Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16: 12-14, Mark 13, Matthew 24 & Luke 21? What Is The Great Reset?
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti | Are We Living Through Revelation Chapter 6? A Mind-Expanding Biblical Look At Current Events Including: Revelation Chapter 6, Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16:12-14 + Discussing: The Tribulation, the Rapture, Israel, Hamas, etc.