EXCERPT: Bill Gates Insider Geert Vanden Bossche Blows Whistle on Coming ‘Wave’ of ‘Unprecedented Deaths’ Among Vaxxed (December 14, 2023) With link to the entire episode and document (May 4, 2024) in description below video
Bryan Kofron Former Private Security Industry Specialist: This video & Supporting Links In The Description 👇 should explain why they pre-made and mandated a jab that doesn't 'appear" to do anything!
JORDAN MAXWELL ~ Illuminati & The Black Magic Underworld - [Age Of Truth TV] | Find links to many other Jordan Maxwell videos BELOW this video, in the description box
Military Report From 1996 "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025" - Is Spraying Poison In The Air For Military Advantage A Good Idea? Find document link in description under video
NOT "CRAZY" JUST VERY OBSERVANT! See the description for Videos Webinars By one of the most famous scientists in the field of telecommunications, Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz
THE WAR FOR BANKOCRACY PART 2 - A Government Unto Itself | Find direct link to Part 1 in the description box BELOW this video | CLEARLY, John Titus is talking about a system THAT IS NOT as he thinks it is! CLUE = IN THE THUMBNAIL