STOP Damning the 3rd Dimension—All it's Experiences From the Unique Perspective of Each Individual, DARK AND LIGHT, is the Right of Passage to Access the Higher Dimensions You Seek! | Billy Carson, Matías De Stefano, and More.
The Constitution and Declaration of Independence Written by Christians… or Freemasons? (Duhrrr) The Term “[Judeo] Christian” Refers to the Age of the Knowledge as Practiced by the Mystic Kristics BEFORE the Council of Nicaea Invented Christianity!
The Age of Aquarius [and the People That Allow Themselves to Get Triggered by Content That’s Not Even Meant for Them and Their Journey / The People Who Do and Don’t Belong on This Channel].
A Powerful Discussion Pre the Upcoming Indie R Podcast | Manifesting the Golden Age, What the Current Vibration of Humanity (Including “MAGA NPC’s”) Potentially Reveals About Their Fight Against the Global Elite Illuminati, and MUCH More!
THE MOST UNLIKELY INTERVIEWS: Michael Malice Vs. Cenk Uygur (9/13/23) | WE in 5D: This isn’t Real. Meaning, Malice is Talking to a Legit Communist—Whose Philosophy IS TO LIE Their Way to Dark Outcomes; Not to Have Genuine Conversation/Healthy Debate.
Nobody of the Freedom-Minded Really Cares About Consenting Adults Living Their Lives; Anybody Sane Cares About Children Growing Up as Untainted as Possible from the Outside World Until Adult Age! It’s Just as Simple as That.
H.G. Wells' Things To Come (1936 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/War | Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph Richardson, Margaretta Scott, Cedric Hardwicke, Maurice Braddell, Sophie Stewart, Derrick De Marney, Ann Todd.