2. The B.A.R. British Accreditation Registry ended on 31.08.2019 & since 1953,and all Crown Courts and Judges (all courts) ended on the 31.08.2019 as all civil and crown institutions
1. The B.A.R. British Accreditation Registry ended on 31.08.2019 & since 1953,and all Crown Courts and Judges (all courts) ended on the 31.08.2019 as all civil and crown institutions
The Real Stone of Destiny ('Coronation Stone') how & why it affects Britain and the Whole Worlds laws. Prince Charles not lawfully crowned as King of England or the Messiah of Israel ?
Grooming Gangs (1960 - 2024 )Britain's Shame involving the Crown (permission) Police, Social Services & Local Councils (11 in total so far) in Sexual abuse, Prostitution & Trafficking
The Real Stone of Destiny ('Coronation Stone') how & why it affects Britain and the Whole Worlds laws. Prince Charles not lawfully crowned as King of England or the Messiah of Israel ?