New World Order | On Jan. 17th 2017 President Trump Was Sworn In As the 45th President of the U.S., China's President Xi Jinping Delivered A Keynote At the World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab Said, "We Can Create a New World Order."
General Flynn | A Message for America: Biden, CBDCs & the Patriots Trying to Save the U.S. + Why Did Obama, Biden, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Rice, Yates Meet Jan. 5th 2017 In the Oval Office? What's the Relationship Between Biden & China?
Tina Peters | 67-Year Old Grandmother With No Previous Criminal Record & Mesa Colorado County Clerk & Recorder & Election Whistleblower Now Charged With 7 Felonies & 3 Misdemeanors & An Additional 2 Misdemeanors
Henry Kissinger | On Jan. 17th 2017 President Trump Was Sworn In As the 45th President of the U.S., China's President Xi Jinping Delivered A Keynote At the WEF & Klaus Schwab Said to Kissinger, "We Can Create a New World Order."