Woke Mind Virus | "You Should Think of Wokeness As Ultra-Christianity or Hyper-Christianity." - Peter Thiel + "We Need An Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harari + "I Vowed to Destroy the Woke Mind Virus." - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and All This, They Are Just from the Past 3,0000 Years. It's Yesterday Morning In Terms of Human History. We Are Talking About People That Lived 50,000 Years Before the Bible, Before Jesus...&
Yuval Noah Harari | "From the Stories Preserved In the New Testament, Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh. The Person Who Created Christianity Is Paul. Ten Commandments Endorse Slavery.” - 9/1/24