Yuval Noah Harari | "In the Bible, Humans Sin & Then God Punishes Them for Their Sin, By Unleashing the Flood. It's Much More Difficult to Go Beyond This Biblical Narrative." + "Soon We Will Be Beyond the God of the Bible."
Yuval Noah Harari | "If Something Does Not Cause Harm Then It's OK. Take Something Like Homosexuality. For Centuries People Saying That This Is a Sin. Why? Because the Bible Forbids It. If Two Men Love Each Other, Why Should This Be a Sin?"
Elijah Harrod Is In Sin, Matthew Is Sin, Calling Out Preacher Kerrigan Skelly For Refusing To Keep The 7th Day Shabbat -- The 4th Commandment In Scripture -- Kerrigan Is In Sin -- Calling ALL Street Preachers To Repent of Breaking the 4th Commandment