2 months agoOMC! Beautiful Brownie doing her best 2 get some tasty treats from these wild greens! #shorts #hensOneMinuteChickens
3 months agoOMC! We miss Brownie - She was a beautiful sweet lil chicken. #chickens #Brownie #hens #shortsOneMinuteChickens
9 months agoOMC! Overhead Observation: The Nap-tastic Adventures of a Buff Orpington HenOneMinuteChickens
9 months agoOMC! Sunlit Serenade: Beautiful Buff Orpingtons at the Fence awaiting snacks and goodies.OneMinuteChickens
7 months agoOMC! My little friend Whitey, See her run at the end! #chickens #running #shorts #hens #eastereggerOneMinuteChickens
1 year agoToys for Baby Beautiful Pets Parrot Hen Elephant Ayyan k PetsMy work on Pets Please like and Join my Channel