Dr 'Tom Cowan': Nuclear Atom & Response To Psyop Dr Vernon Coleman!
Biological Medicine
Will Happer: CO2, the Gas of Life | Tom Nelson Pod #158
Climate realism
Samurai Shodown IV (FIEE Vs. Fabianxp) [Peru Vs. Colombia]
Marcelo Hard
Truth Is Resonance | Symphony Of Transcendence | One Love
Metal Slug 5 (Twinbee and Avenkross) [Australia and U.S.A.]
Marcelo Hard
"Warrior" - My SECOND video movie review (Dalton Lynne repurposed) #warrior #review
Cyn's Corner
Why the Bells Were Destroyed After WWll
Matrix Hip Hop Video Compilation with Re-Booted Visualz ((432Hz))
Dr Ed Group discusses the secrets of SYNTHETIC PARASITES and what works to eliminate them