TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE Maricopa County’s Election Crimes Because Arizona Legislature & US Senate REFUSE To Do Their Jobs But LOVE Violating Their Oaths! 130,000 MISSING Ballots, 47.4% Reject Rate, 20% Vote Centers Erased Results & MORE!
ARIZONA ELECTION CRIMES! Maricopa County Admitted Under Oath On May 18, 2023 To BREAKING THE LAW When Verifying Signatures For Approx 1.3 Million Early/Mail In Ballots. Why Was This NOT In Kari Lake’s July 2024 Appeal? It WINS The Case! | SG ANON
KATIE HOBBS DIDN’T WIN ARIZONA GOVERNOR! Massive Maricopa County Misconduct, Maladministration & Fraud Makes ’22 Election NULL & VOID. If MAJORITY Led Republicans Would’ve INVESTIGATED & Impeached, KARI LAKE Would’ve Signed Same Day El
Charlie Kirk & Kari Lake: Securing Our Borders Means Securing Our Elections & Freedom, And Stopping The "Fentanyl Pipeline" Through Arizona – Ask Dr. Drew
TRUMP WANTS HIS MAGA SENATE SEAT BACK…KARI LAKE WON ARIZONA! Senate Can CALL Hearing, INVESTIGATE Massive Maricopa County Election Maladministration & GIVE TO LAKE! 130,000 Missing Ballots & MORE. ONLY Need 1 SENATOR…DEMAND IT!
KATIE HOBBS MUST BE REMOVED AS ARIZONA GOVERNOR NOW! Massive Evidence Proves Election ILLEGAL. Mayes NOT AG, Gallego NOT Senator! “Investigation” Is 1 Year Old & NOTHING WILL HAPPEN-Criminals Protecting Each Other. President Trump MUST INVESTIGATE
Maricopa County Admits Breaking The Law For Mail-In Ballot Signature Verifications & Kari Lake Will Be An America Hero If She Files An Appeal Today With The Arizona Supreme Court! Nov 8 Election Can Be SET ASIDE (Null & Void)