Peter Nygard | "If You Have An Abortion That Is Very Valuable, Umbilical Cord, the Placenta, Even Your Period Blood Is So Rich w/ Stem Cells. The Best Eggs Are 16-18 Years Old. As You Get Older, Your Heads Get Weaker."
Abortions | Why Is the Satanic Temple Opening an Abortion Clinic to Provide 'Religious Abortion' and 'Abortion Ritual 'Care? | Discover the Horrific Stories of Planned Parenthood
Peter Nygard | "If You Have An Abortion That Is Very Valuable, Umbilical Cord, the Placenta, Even Your Period Blood Is So Rich w/ Stem Cells. The Best Eggs Are 16-18 Years Old. As You Get Older, Your Heads Get Weaker." + 42?
Cognitive Dissonance | "If I Could Save One of These Kids It's Worth Dying For." - RFK Jr. + "We Should Leave Abortion to the Woman Even If It Is Full Term." - RFK Jr. + Why Is Larry Ellison Pushing AI & mrNA Vaccines?
Amanda Grace | Breaking Down the Battle Being Waged for America’s Soul Including: RNC’s Updated Stance On Marriage & Abortion + President Trump Dodged a Bullet, Amber Rose 101, & Satanists Endorsing Abortion?
Abortion | Why Is the Presbyterian Church USA Allowing This Pastor to Celebrate Abortion from the Pulpit? "I Felt God's Presence With Me As I Chose to END Two Pregnancies." | Why Is the Satanic Temple to Provide 'Religious Abortion&apo
Taylor Swift | Why Is Taylor Swift Pushing the Normalization of Witchcraft, the LGBTQ Agenda & the Abortion Agenda? Why Is the Mainstream Media Pushing Witchcraft, the LGBTQ Agenda & Abortion? + Meet a CEO Who Is Pushing Back Against the Left
Abortions | Why Is the Satanic Temple Opening an Abortion Clinic to Provide 'Religious Abortion' and 'Abortion Ritual 'Care? - The Horror Stories of Planned Parenthood Exposed