Nov 8 Election FLASHBACK & Maricopa County’s Version Of What Happened…THEN…What REALLY Did! Election Fraud, Felony Interference, Illegal Votes, Laws Broken, Voter Disenfranchisement, Misconduct & More! Where Are Kari & Abe?
WATCH Maricopa County Commit Election Fraud & Maladministration During The JULY Primary. They ERASED Election Day Results From 9 to 20 Vote Centers & ILLEGALLY RECOUNTED The Ballots! THEY BROKE THE LAW! Where Are The Candidates?
ELECTION FRAUD & BROKEN LAWS Exposed In Maricopa County, AZ! NEVER Brought To The Courts! Help Us HOLD KARI LAKE & ABE HAMADEH Accountable & DEMAND They File A RULE 60B6 + Our Evidence To SET ASIDE The ’22 Election & Take Back America!