2 months ago911 WTC 1 Explosion Eyewitness 'Its A Bomb' ..... WTC 2 Explosion Eyewitness Ashleigh Banfield CNBCJudopaul
1 year agoPres. Trump [ ZERO TIME WTC 911 ] Nuclear Bomb Melts Granite Theory + Hillary Clinton N-WordZIGZAG Bureau of Investigation
5 months agoDid Planes really hit the WTC buildings on 9/11 or was it all (CGI) COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGES?Libertarian99
17 days agoConspiracies False Flags UFO 911 WTC Sandy Hook Jim Fetzer Brian Davidson David Scorpio Victor HugoVictorHugoArt
3 months ago911 WTC 7 Demolition - Westside Highway Media Area (Initiation And Penthouse Altered FOIA)Judopaul
3 months ago911 WTC 7 Rare Video From Three Sides - Heavy Gray Smoke And Small Isolated FiresJudopaul
3 months ago911 WTC 7 Is About To Collapse .... Demolition Truck And Heavy Equipment On The Way WPIX 445 pmJudopaul
3 months ago911 WTC Tower Had A Major Elevator That Went To The Top, Malfunctioning For At Least A MonthJudopaul