Alex Jones | "And Joe Rogan Is About to Come Out About This. We Have Bigger Audiences That Hollywood." - Alex Jones | "CORONA = 666. CERN Is 666. Where Are All These Idiots Located? Geneva, Switzerland."
FDA Approved Brain Chips? | What Is An Anti-Virus for the Brain? The Same FDA That That Denied Access to HCQ Gives Musk's Neuralink Approval for Brain Implants | "We Need An Antivirus for the Brain" - Yuval Noah Harari | What Is H.R.666?
666 Days | Why Did Biden Sign Jerusalem Declaration Calling for a Two-State Solution On July 14th 2022 666 Days After the Abraham Accords Were Signed on September 15th 2020?
Lebron Diddy | Why Does Lebron James Throw Up the Illuminati Symbolism Before Playing Basketball Games? Why Does Lebron James Throw Up 666 Symbolism? Why Does Lebron James Invest His Free Time With Diddy?
CERN | Why Is Learn Located On Top of the Former Temple of Apollyon? Who Funds CERN? Why Does CERN Have a 666 Logo? Why Did CERN Invent the Internet And Call It WWW (Which In Hebrew Is 666)? Brain-Computer Interfaces?
Jesus | Is Jesus Returning Soon? 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4, Revelation 13:16-18, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Revelation 12:6, Revelation 13:11 + Why Does Google, CERN & the World Economic Forum Use a 666 Logo?
666 | Why Is the CERN Logo, the World Economic Forum Logo & the Google 666? Why Does Corona = 666? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up? What Is HR 666 & 6666? Microsoft Owns Patent WO-2020-06060 Exist?
Mark of the Beast | Doctor Stella Immanuel | Is the Mark of the Beast Here?! 666 Mark of the Beast Technology Being Developed by CERN, the World Economic Forum, BRICS, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab + 60 Biblical Signs of the Times
Elon Musk | "Musk's Neuralink Has FDA Approval for Brain Implants In Humans." (Reuters 5/16/2023) Why Do Harari, Musk, Schwab, & The Chinese Communist Agree On Brain-Computer Interfaces? "Antivirus for the Brain" H.R.666?
CERN | Why Does CERN Have a 666 Logo? Why Is a SHIVA (The god of Destruction) Statue Located In Front of CERN? Why Is CERN Located In Geneva? Why Is the World Economic Forum Located In Geneva?
666 | REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES | WEF Logo = 666, CERN Logo = 666, Google Chrome Logo = 666, WWW = 6666, CORONA = 666, HR 6666 = Forced Vaccination, WO-2020-060606 = MARK OF THE BEAST
666 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 | Why Is the United Nations Located At 666 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017? Why Is CERN, the World Economic Forum, the Google Quantum Computer & GAVI Located In Geneva, Switzerland?
666 | Why Is the CERN Logo, the World Economic Forum Logo & the Google 666? Why Does Corona = 666? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up? What Is HR 666 & 6666? Microsoft Owns Patent WO-2020-06060 Exist?
666 | Build Back Better | Why does the World Economic Forum logo feature a 666? Why does the Google Chrome logo feature a 666? Why does Microsoft have a patent for CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA that features a WO2020060606 publication #
Nero Caesar | Is There a Name That Equals Both 666 & 616? Revelation 17-8 "The Beast, Which You Saw, Once Was, Now Is Not And Yet Will Come Up Out of the Abyss." "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Mus