3 years ago1AP in DC for 3 ops this weekend, Whistle Blower ops, Division Ops & Updates1st Amendment Praetorian
3 years agoHope via the Changing Paradigm: Tim Tebow, The Silent Majority & Blockbuster Video1st Amendment Praetorian
1 year agoTrans Surgeon Confessess, Biden v. Free Speech, Bud Light Death Star, Hollyweird StrikeDr. Tommy ShowVerified
3 years agoPTV Ep 144: Robert P. Lewis (Founder & President, 1st Amendment Praetorian)PATRIOTTRANSITIONVOlCE
3 years ago1AP Agenda, Need for Patriotic Activists & Importance of Attending Patriotic Events1st Amendment Praetorian
3 years ago1AP at Million MAGA March, Low Intensity Conflict, Purpose of Propaganda1st Amendment Praetorian